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Starting to chalk down small tips

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is a common saying that originated from a famous Chinese proverb. So here is a dedicated place on the web to talk and chalk out some of my personal small tips for developers.

After blogging few post on, I realized that it took quite a time to write down article in detail. And most of the blog were always in mind but due to slow pace of thoroughly writing down, few of them never saw the light of day. Though I had lot of small findings/topic to tell the world.

So here it is, dedicated site to just write down small stuffs that relates and adds as a tip to fellow web developers. Not expecting it to be a daily article but expecting it to be at least a weekly one. Would try to keep each post to point and concise so that it acts as a tip and does not become a tutorial/theory. Hoping for best! Cheers!

Published Apr 9, 2019

Web/Product Engineer.