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Manage all of your npm packages for a project from UI - via ndm

We manage all npm modules, package.json, module upgrade (when we know there is new compatible version) and all other package management stuff via npm CLI commands. For most of the time, npm run command and npm install package --save is all what we need đź‘». For yarn, story is no different, similar commands exists to provide same functionality.

There are 2 tools that I like and haven’t disappointed me so far, and provide a GUI for managing npm packages

First one, ndm aka “npm desktop manager” is Desktop GUI for Mac, Linux, Windows built on Electron. It is one click tool to Add, remove, update global and local packages with ease. Also provides, useful packages information and live npm registry status.


Official Site: ndm

Second one, npm-gui is browser based JavaScript package managers for package.json or bower.json for projects and also manages global dependencies. Under the hood it will use transparently npm, bower or yarn commands to install, remove or update dependencies. It also provides a way to run all “scripts” under script section of package json from UI and dumps the console output of the command. It can be installed as global npm module as well as locally.


Official Site: npm-gui

Published Apr 18, 2019

Web/Product Engineer.